Διδασκαλία της Νέας Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στους 2ετείς φοιτητές Ιατρικής του αγγλόφωνου προγράμματος

Πρόκειται για την αγγλόγλωσση μορφή του μαθήματος 2024 Ειδική Παθολογική Ανατομική (καθετοποιημένη διδασκαλία).

Epidemiologu, Nutrition, Principles of Dietary Assessment, Food Hygiene, Epidemic explosion, Food safety, Emerging Environmental microorganisms and Infections, Water Hygiene, Domestic and Industrial wastes and Pollutants, Air Pollution, Global Environmental Issues, Indoor air pollution and hygiene, Natural Disasters, Travel Medicine, Travelers’ Diarrhea, Travel Medicine: Hepatitis A and B, Industrial Hygiene, Current topics of Occupational Hygiene, Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control.

Signs and symptoms of the gastrointestinal system

Signs and symptoms of the gastrointestinal system.pptSigns and symptoms of the gastrointestinal system.ppt

This is an introductory course covering the basic principles of physics as applied to medicine.

Familiarity with the basic technical aspects and image formation in radiology. Knowledge of the principles of radiation biology and radiation protection. Understand the factors influencing image quality and dose in diagnostic radiology. Understand the role, indications and adverse effects of contrast media used in Radiology. Knowledge of cross-sectional radiological anatomy (CT, MRI, US). Comprehend how to analyze imaging findings from radiological examinations. (In accordance with the curriculum for undergraduate radiological education of the ESR – European Society of Radiology).