Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate student will possess the basic principles of Bioethics of Reproduction. He / she will have the chance to get in touch with the main legal and bioethical issues and dilemmas concerning the beginning of life, the legal protection of the human embryo and fetus, the different methods of Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) and the bioethical issues arising by their application, i.e. surrogacy, post mortem fertilization, donors’ anonymity etc.

Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate student will possess the basic principles of Female Reproductive Endocrinology, and, on an everyday practice level, he/she will be able to understand the rationale of the basic diagnostic and therapeutic approach of cases with relevant disorders.

Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate student will possess the basic principles of evaluating female and male fertility and he/she will be in a position to select the optimal method for the management of the infertile couple, surgically or medically, considering the specific characteristics of each case

Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate student will possess the basic principles of Male Reproductive Endocrinology, and, on an everyday practice level, he/she will be able to propose the basic diagnostic and therapeutic approach of cases with relevant disorders.

The thesis of the MSc in Human Reproduction

Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate student will possess the basic principles of ovarian stimulation on a daily practice use and he /she will be capable of managing patients undergoing ovarian stimulation with standard protocols used for this purpose.

Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate students will possess the basic principles of human preimplantation development and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and, on an everyday practice level, they will be able to understand the rationale of the invasive and non-invasive methods of embryo selection and suggest diagnostic techniques and therapeutic approaches in cases in which preimplantation genetic diagnosis is applied.

The Medical Genetics & Stem Cells offers training to medical, biomedical, and biological scientists for careers in clinical and in vitro molecular diagnosis. Upon completion of the course, graduates of the course will know the basic principles of Medical Genetics and will be able to suggest a basic / molecular diagnostic approach at the level of the everyday clinical act.

Upon completion of the course, the student will know how to apply methods from the basic statistics for the different study types. He will be able to manage descriptive statistical measures for summary data and compare the results between populations using representative samples. Additionally, he will understand the uncertainty involved when a random estimation of populations’ parameter takes place and he will interpret and evaluate better the findings. An additional objective of this course is the understanding of biostatistics’ methodology through practical guidance and use of the statistical program IBM/SPSS.

Upon the completion of this module, the post-graduate student will be able to understand what is the efficacy, the indications, and the effectiveness of specialized treatments used in Human Assisted Reproduction.