Είδη άρθρων της έντυπης δημοσιογραφίας σύμφωνα με τα γαλλικά πρότυπα. Σελιδοποίηση, τίτλοι, πρώτη σελίδα, πηγές, οργανωτικό πλάνο γραφής, ενημερωτικά και σχολιαστικά άρθρα. Χαρακτηριστικά, γλωσσικές επιλογές και δομή άρθρου ανάλογα με το είδος του. Κανόνες, τεχνικές συγγραφής και άσκηση των φοιτητών στον γαλλικό, γραπτό δημοσιογραφικό λόγο. Παράλληλα και παραδειγματικά, μελετώνται άρθρα επίκαιρης θεματολογίας από τα εγκυρότερα γαλλικά/γαλλόφωνα έντυπα. 

Το μάθημα αφορά την αξιοποίηση των θεωρητικών και αναλυτικών εργαλείων της κοινωνικής και οπτικής σημειωτικής στη μελέτη των σύγχρονων μορφών και ειδών οπτικής επικοινωνίας.

Καλύπτοντας μια ποικιλία χρήσεων της εικόνας – στους τομείς της πληροφόρησης, της διαφήμισης, της πολιτικής – αλλά και υλικών μορφών της – τύπος, αφίσα, λογότυπα, ψηφιακά μέσα - το μάθημα εστιάζεται στα ζητήματα ανάλυσης και ερμηνείας που θέτουν οι σύγχρονες μορφές και τα είδη οπτικής επικοινωνίας σε ό,τι αφορά αφενός τον ιδιαίτερο τρόπο σύνθεσης και νοηματικής οργάνωσής τους, και αφετέρου τις πολιτισμικές και ιδεολογικές διαστάσεις τους. 

The course aims to provide a general introduction to the historical development and contemporary features of news sources and international news organizations. In this context we examine, the global system of collecting, processing and distribution of news media ( at local, national and global level ) the concept of a changing communications environment and issues such as the management and access to information , the flow of information as well as information overload . The purpose of this course is to help students understand the nature of news in the age of new media and globalization and to highlight key issues that have to do with the promotion, management and distribution of news globally and locally. The topics examined: political and cultural importance of news sources, role, organization and functioning of international news organizations, structures of national and international communication systems, processes and characteristics of information and cultural content of the media. This course examines international news Organisations. The course aims to introduce the students to the techniques of journalism in reporting News Sources and offer the necessary conceptual and practical tool to understand the rapid changes in the field. 

This course provides students with a broad understanding of the global tourism sector in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals. It focuses on the latest trends in the travel industry and the sustainable tourism niche markets and examines how they are promoted in the travel media. Students examine the role of digital and social media, study and analyse User Generated Content (UGC) and several forms of digital storytelling in travel and tourism. The course is research- and project-based and offers a combination of theory, case studies, workshops, and individual research. Each semester, a specific form of sustainable tourism will be the study case. Coastal and maritime tourism will be the winter semester’s theme. Key topics: • Global trends in travel and tourism • Challenges and crises in tourism/ Covid19 recovery and tourism restart • The Ocean Decade and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development • Travel communication and sustainability • Travel media and digital travel storytelling in specific forms of tourism • Digital media communication campaigns for sustainable tourism • UGC and eWOM

This course analyses the specific language used for purposes of propaganda throughout the twentieth century, focusing on the use of modern mass communication and technology. The class will be structured around a number of theoretical issues related to propaganda, which help shed light on its emergence. Particular attention will be given to understanding the language of propaganda relying on linguistic discourse analysis; this will involve the detailed study of syntax, focusing on specific grammatical structures, the lexicon and its hidden meanings and the tonal style adopted. Finally, the language of propaganda will be analysed in relation to argumentation and persuasion. 

The course explores Travel as a constituent of the journalistic and communication process of public information, knowledge and engagement and as a civic awareness and social development issue. It focuses on broadcast and print travel journalism and examines:

  • Travel Writing Genres and Types of Travel Articles
  • Modes of Public Communication for Travel and Effective Communication Strategies and
  • The role of Travel Journalist and Communicator with the new communication tools(Social Media)
  • Global challenges and issues that affect travel and travel journalism

This course is ideal for students who would like to acquire knowledge of journalism and communication applied to travel. Going beyond the standard travel and journalistic writing class, the course combines a robust curriculum with experiential exercises, the praxis of applied workshops, and field visits–work–experiences. During the course participants will be given the opportunity to explore Thessaloniki’s culture, history, everyday life and will be asked to communicate their pragmatic knowledge and empirical involvement and engagement by writing travelogues, taking photos, recording real experiences and file their own true stories and testimonials.

This course is experiential and requires active participation. Therefore, each semester only a limited number of students are permitted to enrol. Students from other faculties should contact the instructor before the registration (Dr Fani Galatsopoulou, fgal@jour.auth.gr).

This advanced English course focuses on news story script writing for television and radio news programmes. By combining theory and practice students are introduced to news values/criteria, story structure, characteristics of broadcast news, and to journalistic guidelines, conventions and techniques related to copy writing style. The course also focuses on the development of interviewing techniques for interview and discussion shows. 

This advanced English course focuses on news (both hard and soft) and feature story writing for the print media. By combining theory and practice it introduces students to headline language, story format, leads, the Associated Press stylebook and news writing techniques. The students also have the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills and to write personality features for the print media.

Personal columns are an integral part of opinion writing in the media, print and online. They are also one of the most appealing features to write and one of the most alluring pieces to read. The course examines: the presence and the importance of personal columns in modern age, the profile of a columnist, the different types of columns, the utility and the objectives of a column, the task of selecting a topic and sources of material, the structure, the style, the process of writing different types of columns, the importance of language and how to use narrative qualities and techniques that can also be derived from literary style of writing. The purpose of this course is to help participants strengthen their ability of personal writing, both for the press and online.

The course is offered as Tutorial, a combination of independent study, writing exercises, discussions and class meetings. You mainly study and work independently, on your own place and time, following the Syllabus and the Schedule/Sessions of the course, with the educational material provided and with the guidance and individual feedback from your tutor. Class meetings will be organized and take place during the semester on a pre-arranged convenient date, time and classroom for further guidance, discussion and brief lectures.